Maximize Value of Digital Assets with Adobe Experience Manager’s Smart Tagging

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Maximize Value of Digital Assets with Adobe Experience Manager's Smart Tagging

blog digital assets with adobe

Written by Manpreet Kaur

Content Writer

June 14, 2023

The world is experiencing an explosion of digital assets. The key to staying ahead of the game lies in understanding emotional triggers that drive customer behavior. While flashy advertisements may have worked in the past, they’re no longer enough to attract prospects. Instead, in today’s digitized landscape, creating a genuine and meaningful connection with customers is imperative. That’s where your digital assets come into play, creating the foundation for valuable online interactions that lead to lasting customer loyalty.

Digital assets are vital to unlocking online engagement and fostering deeper connections with your audience. They are an ideal blend of creativity, imagination, and technology that convey your products, services, and culture to the world. By leveraging compelling visuals, you can interact with your customers on their terms – whether they prefer social media, websites, or other channels.

Digital experiences composed of images and videos are now stored and served by companies and brands to their customers. As a result, managing and searching for relevant digital assets is becoming an overwhelmingly difficult task for content managers. Adobe is at the forefront of technological innovation to enable efficient digital content management with Adobe Experience Manager Assets.

Smart Tags

A tag is a keyword or metadata. It is a quick and easy method of classifying content on a website. Smart tags are an innovative service introduced by AEM that enables library managers to tag image assets with their taxonomies automatically. It is powered by Adobe Sensei and uses Machine Learning to ease the pain of manually tagging images, improving the overall experience for business teams.

AEM smart tagging is incredibly useful, particularly when organizing and surfacing content based on keywords. It increases search accuracy and efficiency in AEM by adding metadata tags to image assets and uploading them to DAM folders. In addition, it allows automatically adding tags to an image asset each time it is uploaded by scanning the image.

Smart tags improve asset search. When an asset is tagged, asset search can use these tags to get results. If a tag in the smart tags list is wrong, authors can remove it from the list. They can even set priorities for assets with the same tags. Smart tags are configurable and can be applied to any DAM content folder.

Prerequisites to Configure Smart Tags in an AEM Instance

Before you can use Smart Content Service, you must ensure the following to create an integration on Adobe I/O:

  • An Adobe ID account with administrator privileges for the organization.
  • Enable Smart Content Services for the organization.

Configuring Smart Tags for AEM

Verify admin access to the organization’s Admin Console

  • Login to via your organization ID.
  • After successful login, you’ll be redirected to an organization’s overview page.
  • Verify the organization in the top right corner to ensure you access the desired organization admin console.

Verify if Smart Content Service is enabled

Obtain a public certificate from AEM

  • A public certificate authenticates your Adobe I/O profile.
  • The certificate created by AEM is valid for ten years.
  • Once the certificate expires, you can recreate and configure another certificate.

Create Adobe I/O Integration (Adobe I/O console)

  • To use Smart Content Service APIs, create an integration in Adobe I/O to generate API Key, Technical Account ID, Organization ID, and Client Secret.

Configure Smart Content Service

  • To configure the integration, use values of the Technical Account ID, Organization ID, Client Secret, Authorization Server, and API key fields from Adobe I/O integration. Creating a Smart Tags cloud configuration allows API authentication from AEM instance.

Validate the Configuration

  • After you have completed the configuration, you can use JMX MBean to validate the configuration.
  • The validation results are displayed in the same dialog box.
  • If any “Configuration Check” fails, Smart Tagging will not work.

Smart tags can only be applied to assets with the following MIME types:

  • image/jpeg
  • image/tiff
  • image/png
  • image/bmp
  • image/gif
  • image/jpeg
  • image/x-portable-anymap
  • image/x-portable-bitmap
  • image/x-portable-graymap
  • image/x-portable-pixmap
  • image/x-rgb
  • image/x-xbitmap
  • image/x-xpixmap
  • image/x-icon
  • image/photoshop
  • image/x-photoshop
  • image/psd
  • image/vnd.adobe.photoshop

Smart tagging of asset renditions is only supported for the following MIME types:

  • image/jpeg
  • image/pjpeg
  • image/png

Experience Manager search combines search terms with an AND clause by default. Using smart tags does not change this default behaviour. Instead, using smart tags adds an extra OR clause to find any search terms related to the smart tags.

Benefits of Smart Tagging

  • Customizes tag structure and taxonomy for your business needs.
  • Enables you to promote specific tags so they’re more likely to appear on a search results page.
  • Highlights where you have lots of content and where it lacks.
  • Creates consistency in the tags you use — the same vocabulary applies no matter who authors the asset.
  • Reduces work for content teams since they don’t have to manually assign relevant tags for each AEM asset.

Use Case: Smart Tagging for Online Apparel

Online apparel retailers can benefit from smart tagging, enabling users and authors to browse and locate relevant products. In addition, it helps categorize and label products according to size, fabric, style, and color.

For authors, smart tagging saves time and effort by automatically categorizing products and ensuring they are accurately labeled and searchable. This increases product visibility on search engines and social media platforms and reach a large audience.

For users, smart tagging helps them quickly find products that meet their preferences. For instance, a shopper may search for “western dresses for women” or “fashion accessories for men.” The smart tagging system automatically filters out products that don’t fulfil these criteria. It also suggests related products based on search history and preferences. For example, if a user searches for ethnic dresses, the smart tagging system can suggest jewelry or bags that complement the look.

With AEM Smart tags, you can manage your digital assets better and build brand loyalty by ensuring they are found and used effectively. As a trusted partner for AEM implementation and integration, Royal Cyber offers comprehensive AEM solutions. Our certified experts help you implement smart tags and refine tag-based searches to ensure images appear for the most relevant tags.

Want to Moderate Smart Tags?

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