An Online Hotel Booking Platform Boosts Conversions with Our Python-based, ML Solution

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Industry | Hotel
Technology | MLOps
Location | US

The client is a US-based, online hotel booking service provider with operations in over 70 countries and providing room booking services for an easy, flexible traveling experience.

The client’s team involves technical personnel, trip planners for personal and commercial purposes, and creators responsible for providing a seamless booking and traveling experience for every visitor as per their needs and preferences.

Industry | Hotel
Technology | MLOps
Location | US

The client is a US-based, online hotel booking service provider with operations in over 70 countries and providing room booking services for an easy, flexible traveling experience.

The client’s team involves technical personnel, trip planners for personal and commercial purposes, and creators responsible for providing a seamless booking and traveling experience for every visitor as per their needs and preferences.

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Difficulty in understanding the visitors’ behavior and needs

High bounce rate as no essential booking options were available

Incomplete, inaccurate data for booking preferences due to a lack of filters

How We Did It

Our data science and analytics experts devised a Python-based, machine learning algorithm that acquired data that understood the customer journey patterns on the website and their core needs and preferences.
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Key Outcomes


Decrease in the website’s bounce rate


of visitors who navigated to the website also booked a hotel room

Increased Conversions

3-star hotels were more popular, which resulted in increased conversions from a particular group of customers

Hassan Sherwani

Hassan Sherwani

Head of Data Analytics & Data Science

Working with the client was a great learning experience for our Royal Cyber and its data science team. We started by understanding the client’s industry, nature of business, and core points that need a practical solution through MLOps. The case tempted the team to use Kubeflow on AWS and create an end-to-end, first-time implementation solution that extracted data and patterns that better acknowledged online visitors and onsite behavior and allowed the client to make better decisions accordingly.

A Python-based

ML solution


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Case Study

Learn how Royal Cyber helped an online hotel booking platform understand visitors' needs, preferences, and patterns and increased their conversions through an ML algorithm.

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