Seamless DevOps Integration: Integrating ServiceNow and Azure DevOps for SWBC

Industry | Banking

Technology | ServiceNow

Location | United States

Southwest Business Corporation (SWBC) is a diversified financial services company that provides a wide range of insurance, mortgage, and investment services to financial institutions, businesses, and individuals. With a strong emphasis on operational efficiency and innovation, SWBC sought to enhance its DevOps processes through seamless integration between ServiceNow and Azure DevOps.

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Disconnected systems led to delays in communication.

The absence of real-time updates hindered the team's ability to track progress and make informed decisions promptly.

Significant manual effort was required to manage and synchronize tasks between ServiceNow and Azure DevOps,

he client needed to enhance their DevOps processes.

Key Outcomes
Demand Forecasting Capabilities
6-9 Months
dvanced Demand Forecasting Capabilities
Automated Forecasting Process
Decrease in Calculation Errors

Conducted a thorough assessment of SWBC’s current DevOps processes.

Developed and tested the integration using REST APIs and service hooks.

Designed a high-level architecture for the proposed solution.

Ensured that updates in Azure DevOps PBIs were reflected in ServiceNow tasks and vice versa.

What Customer Say about RoyalCyber
Congratulations to the ServiceNow Team for successfully upgrading SWBC’s DevOps capabilities by integrating ServiceNow and Azure DevOps. The team did a great job in automating our demand forecasting capabilities, bringing down the rate of calculation errors previously. Hats off to everyone who worked on the project!


Increase in Customer Activity


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