MuleSoft Anypoint
Why You Should Care About Integration?

At Royal Cyber, one of our core values is radical transparency, so let us not mince words here: systems integration can be a bland topic, especially compared to the digital transformation landscape and its unlimited supply of ever-changing buzzwords. It is very easy to see why it is not a common topic outside of the heavily technical crowd. Interactions happen behind the scenes. They are unknown to just about every user of a system and are taken for granted. Business stakeholders should prioritize investing in integration strategically.

If integration is not done properly, all transformation initiatives can be derailed. No matter what type of new digital transformation initiative is on your mind, integration is the key requirement for making it happen.

In a recent MuleSoft survey, 97% of businesses were currently undergoing or planning to undergo digital transformation initiatives, but 84% said that integration challenges hindered their efforts. Moreover, with project volumes expected to grow 32% this year alone, system integration challenges are growing exponentially by the year.

Data and integration are the fuel that drives digital transformation. Unfortunately, this fuel is in short supply for most initiatives because of the integration strategies being used to deliver it. Without this fuel, transformation initiatives die a slow and costly death, never accomplishing the business objectives they sought out to meet.

In this whitepaper, we will provide you with:

  • Insight into tangible business benefits of MuleSoft Anypoint Platform
  • Technical considerations in the overall integration landscape and why the domain is so costly
  • Technical advantages of MuleSoft that move the needle for your business

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