Enhance your Potential.

IBM Rational Performance Tester

16 hrs

Instructor Led Training



IBM® Rational® Performance Tester is a performance-testing tool that emulates various user loads to mimic the real-life loads. With proper planning coupled with realistic simulation, this tool uses the current loads to estimate future loads. For example, a customer’s application may potentially serve 5000 users. With Rational Performance Tester, you can easily emulate the user loads at 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, and 5000 and beyond to project the right user growth, so that you can also project server sizing, such as optimal CPU and memory requirements, more accurately.

Course Outline
  • Lab 1: Introduction
  • Lab 2: Project Creation
  • Lab 3: Test Recording
  • Lab 4: Data Driven Testing
  • Lab 5: Verification Points
  • Lab 6:  Schedule Creation
  • Lab 7: Think Time
  • Lab 8: Schedule Execution
  • Lab 9: Reports