Testing Microservices Integration with Contract-Driven PACT Framework

Live Webinar | April 5th, 2023 | 12:00 - 01:00 PM CST

Discover the future of Code- First Consumer-Driven Contract Testing

Are you facing challenges while testing services independently in your application that is based on microservices architecture?

Adopting a microservices architecture brings new challenges to test our systems. Theoretically, in microservices architecture, each service should be able to operate independently. However, each service may call many other services to complete a request. On the other hand, bringing up the full system topology for testing just one service cancels out the benefits of modularity and encapsulation that microservices are expected to bring.

Contract testing simplifies this problem by focusing only on communication between applications through a contract that describes the messaging between applications. In addition, each application can be tested independently by verifying its request/response through a contract, which can significantly improve development workflow and testing time.

Join this Live Webinar, where our experts will share insights on using the Pact Framework to write contract tests for microservices. We will also deep dive into how “Contract Driven” approach can lower overall testing time and deploy services independently.

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Key insights will include:
  • Monolithic vs. Microservices approach
  • The old way to handle microservices testing
  • How do you agree on a contract
  • What is PACT, and how does it work?
  • How do you share the contract
  • Demo
  • Q & A


Mustafa Pesh

at Royal Cyber Inc.
March 02nd, 2023 | 12:00 - 01:00 PM CST

Testing Microservices Integration with Contract-Driven PACT Framework

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